Transcending diagnostic sample to result workflows

Automated Diagnostic Sample Processing: Handsfree Workflows from Sample Accessioning to Result

Simply more

Automated diagnostic sample processing workflows, consisting of automatable Rhinostics sample collection devices and robotic equipment, increase sample throughput by up to 10x compared to manual test processing methods. In addition to getting more results faster than ever, the automated processing workflow helps to reduce biohazard exposure and user variability for peace of mind and confidence in results.

Learn how our products, and those of our valued automation partners, can provide your laboratory with walkaway convenience and instant scalability to significantly improve efficiency and productivity, and stretch budget dollars further.

Instantly scale swab test processing without increasing people - drop labor costs by 80+%

Test more swabs. Use less manpower. Deliver precise results.

RHINOstic Automated Swabs
Lab Personnel needed to process 15,000+ tests per day
Standard Flocked Swabs
Lab Personnel needed to process 15,000+ tests per day

Option #1: Two-step workflow for medium and high throughput automated diagnostic sample processing


Users load up to 96 RHINOstic tubes onto the RHINOrac and place into a biosafety cabinet containing an automated decapping device.


A barcode reader in the decapper automatically scans the tube bottoms containing 2D barcodes for rapid accessioning. Data may be automatically sent to a laboratory information system (LIS).


The decapper automatically removes the RHINOstic caps with swabs and places them safely out of reach.


Users manually add elution reagents.


The decapper automatically replaces the RHINOstic caps with swabs. Particles fully elute from the hydrophobic swab head.


Users manually move RHINOrac to a heating block for inactivation, then remove the rack for downstream processing.


Users load up to 96 RHINOstic tubes onto RHINOrac™ and place onto the deck of a compatible automated liquid handler integrated with a decapper device.


The decapper robotically removes the caps while the liquid handler transfers precise liquid aliquots and reagents, including controls, into 96- or 384-well assay plates. The plates are automatically sealed and ready for downstream PCR analysis.

Option #2: Fully automated workflow for ultra high demand, high throughput automated diagnostic sample processing


Users load up to 96 RHINOstic tubes onto RHINOrac™ and place onto the deck of a compatible automated liquid handler integrated with a decapper device and a heating block.


A barcode reader in the decapper automatically scans the tube bottoms containing 2D barcodes for rapid accessioning. Data may be automatically sent to a laboratory information system (LIS).


The decapper automatically removes the RHINOstic caps with swabs and places them safely out of reach on the liquid handler deck.


The liquid handler automatically adds elution reagents.


The decapper automatically replaces the RHINOstic caps with swabs. Particles fully elute from the hydrophobic swab head.


The liquid handler moves the RHINOrac to the integrated heating block for inactivation, then transfers precise liquid aliquots and reagents, including controls, into 96- or 384-well assay plates. The plates are automatically sealed and ready for downstream PCR analysis.

Automated Decapping


RHINObot™ Decapper

View Product


ELEbot™ Decapper

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Rhinostics AlteCap™ Switch

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Rhinostics AlteCap™ Solo

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Automated Barcode Scanning


Rhinostics Flatbed Barcode Reader

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Rhinostics Pendant Barcode Reader

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Rhinostics Single Barcode Reader

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Automated Liquid Handlers

Hamilton Microlab Star

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Hamilton Microlab Prep

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Hamilton Microlab Nimbus

View Product

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Now is the time to make a difference in your swab test procedure